Event Detail


Behavioral Health & Psychosocial Well-Being

Session Title: Behavior Management Programs

Presentation Date: October 16

Course Description: This session will provide comprehensive strategies for developing and implementing behavior management programs in the LTC setting. Participants will gain insight into non-pharmacological interventions, techniques for de-escalating challenging behaviors, and the importance of a person-centered approach. The goal is to equip staff with the skills necessary to manage behavioral health issues effectively, fostering a positive and therapeutic environment for residents.

Projected Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, the learner will:

  1. Understand the components of effective behavior management programs.
  2. Identify non-pharmacological interventions for managing behaviors.
  3. Implement techniques for de-escalating challenging behaviors.
  4. Apply a person-centered approach to behavior management.
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness of behavior management strategies.

CE's are available for those that listen to the sessions LIVE.

Continuing Education Information

Nurses:  The Kansas Healthcare Association is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Each offering is approved for 1.0 contact hour applicable for RN and LPN relicensure (KSBN LT0030-0338)

Administrators:  This course offering is approved for 1.0 continuing education clock hour for each webinar for the Kansas licensed adult care home administrators by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services.  KDADS Health Occupations Credentialing Approved Sponsorship number:  LTS-A0001.

Operators:  This course offering is approved for 1.0 continuing education clock hour for each webinar for the Kansas licensed operators in the core area of Resident Care by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services.  KDADS Health Occupations Credentialing Approved Sponsorship number:  LTS-A0001.

Social Workers: This course is approved for 1.0 hour of continuing education hour for each webinar for Kansas licensed Social Workers by the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board.  Approval number: 17-006.

Dietitians: This course is approved for up to 1.0 continuing education clock hour for each webinar for Kansas Licensed Dietitians by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services. KDADs Health Occupations Credentialing Approved Sponsorship Number: LTS-A0002.

1.0 hours of CE's will be provided for each webinar in the series that you attend. CE's will be provided to those that complete a registration and the follow up attendance verification form. Webinar log in information and dial in information will be provided prior to the webinar.